Delivery plan 2022/23 overview
The overview below highlights our key projects and their outputs for 2022/23 grouped by their lead themes and outcomes, as set out in our CPS 2025 Strategy. These outputs are based on planning assumptions that reflect current resources and constraints. This business plan will also contribute to the delivery of the priority outcomes agreed at the Spending Review.
Our People
Strategic Outcome | Project | Scope | Key Outputs |
Our People: All parts of our workforce are diverse and inclusive | Employee Experience | Enhance our inclusive culture to create a safe environment where everyone can be themselves and thrive. |
Our People: Our people have the skills and tools they need to thrive | Strategic Workforce Plan Refresh | To target the increased level of resource supply and demand, and ensure diversity and inclusion remains central to our approach. |
Our People: Our supportive culture promotes wellbeing | People and change blueprint | To provide a consistent approach to people-related change. |
Our People: Our people lead with our values | Hybrid Working | To ensure the CPS has the right support and infrastructure to enable and embed successful Hybrid Working for all CPS employees. |
Leadership Framework | An accessible leadership framework to enable our people to lead with our values at all levels. |
Digital Capability
Strategic Outcome | Project | Scope | Key Outputs |
Digital Capability: We are proactive in investing in our digital capability | Modern Workplace | Improved user experience and reliability of key technology and systems. |
Internal upskilling | Improve the digital skills of our workforce and increased the focus on two-way communication and user support. |
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Digital Capability: We innovate, including with emerging technology | Future Casework Tools & Digital Innovation | To deliver a consistent and user-friendly approach by unifying digital systems to enhance casework quality and user satisfaction. |
Common Platform | To allow effective sharing of case materials, collaboration and case progression. |
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Digital Case File | To improve sharing of case information between policing and CPS. |
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Digital Capability: We have confidence in the security of our systems | Security, Monitoring & Governance | Effective monitoring systems, processes and procedures are in place to ensure new and emerging threats can be identified and acted upon. |
Digital Capability: We use data to drive change | Data Strategy | Creation of a data strategy that allows CPS to access to powerful, self-service analytical and enterprise tools. |
Strategic Partnerships
Strategic Outcome | Project | Scope | Key Outputs |
Strategic Partnerships: We lead on futures thinking to understand cross-CJS issues | Strategic Planning | To provide robust mechanisms to ensure long term planning is enabled, supported and delivered effectively. |
We influence cross-CJS change through trusted relationships | Strategic Partnerships | Areas have resources and information to manage Strategic Partnerships and enhanced senior partnership skills. |
Economic Crime | Improved criminal justice outcomes for fraud cases by supporting enhanced capability and capacity at every stage of the criminal justice system. |
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We advise Parliamentarians and Ministers on the operational implications of law and policy | Localised MP engagement | Areas have resources and information to manage strategic partnerships and enhanced senior partnership skills. |
We deliver justice across border through effective international collaboration | CPS International Strategy | Effective and efficient cooperation with international partners on MLA, extradition and proceeds of crime casework, delivering improved domestic criminal justice outcomes. |
Casework Quality
Strategic Outcome | Project | Scope | Key Outputs |
Casework Quality: The right person is prosecuted for the right offence | RASSO Performance Framework | Develop an enhanced RASSO performance framework with success measures. Implement actions in the CPS Rape Strategy update. |
Casework Quality: Cases are progressed in a timely manner | Operational Recovery | To manage CPS recovery to pre-pandemic levels and improvement activities so that we deliver our casework and operations effectively. |
Advocacy Strategy | Recruitment and progression of advocates from all backgrounds and operating across all court venues. |
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Casework Quality: Cases are dealt with effectively | Domestic Abuse Operational Change | Improve casework quality in respect of Domestic Abuse through reduced attrition. |
Improving the Charging Model | To significantly improve the timeliness of charging decisions for the benefit of victims, witnesses, defendants and justice. |
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Implementation of the Changing Nature of Crime Review | Better equipped specialist business units. |
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Rape and Serious Sexual Offences, Joint National Action Plan and the Rape Review | To deliver on the CPS's public RASSO commitments and enhance public confidence in CPS handling of casework. |
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Organised Immigration Crime | To ensure the CPS has capacity to deal with any increased volumes and ensure policy is being followed and applied consistently. |
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Casework Quality: The quality of our casework is enhanced through partnership working | Operation Soteria | To deliver Operation Soteria pathfinders by identifying innovative approaches to delivering improved prosecution performance against measured criteria. |
Public Confidence
Strategic Outcome | Project | Scope | Key Outputs |
Public Confidence: Victims and witnesses have a fair experience interacting with us, regardless of outcome | Victims and Witnesses | Victims have clear, timely and accurate information about a case, and improved victim engagement and satisfaction. |
VAWG | To build public confidence and understanding in the handling of VAWG cases. |
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Public Confidence: We are a leading voice in ensuring defendants are treated fairly by the CJS | Defendants, Disproportionality & Charging Disparities | Understand and address any disparities relating to gender, age and race in Area charging decisions, and ensure defendants are treated fairly. |
Public Confidence: We understand how best to serve our diverse communities | Inclusion and Community Engagement | To embed a data informed approach to the management of ICE. |
Programme of polling and surveying | Increased understanding and trust of the CPS amongst identified groups. |
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Public Confidence: The public understand our value | Priority campaign areas | To focus our communication on issues that matter to the public. |
Digital Communications Strategy | Expand our use of digital channels to build understanding of our work and support meaningful dialogue with our communities. |