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Cemetery rapist sentenced

News, Sexual offences

Kye Lewis, a 21-year-old man, was today sentenced to seven years for the rape of a sex worker in a cemetery in Southend in 2017.

His victim was working in her usual location when Lewis drove up and asked if she was available. They agreed on the limitations of what would happen between them. After driving at speed through back roads, Mr Lewis took her to a cemetery and parked the car. He then became violent, threatened her with a weapon, and told her that he intended to rape her. Scared and vulnerable she got out of the vehicle. She submitted to Mr Lewis in fear of her life.

After intimidating, threatening and raping her, Kye Lewis left the scene taking his victim’s phone and handbag. This left her scared, abused and stranded in the cemetery with no means of calling for help.

Helen Walsh, of the CPS, said: “We were able to show to the court that Kye Lewis acted without the consent of his victim and used a weapon to instil fear into her. He subsequently committed two acts of rape for his own sexual gratification and without thought for his victim.

“The CPS is committed to prosecute cases of rape and serious sexual offences vigorously and fairly.”

“Rape is sex without consent, and consent can be withdrawn at any time. In this instance the victim did not consent to Kye Lewis’s demands and bravely came forward to talk to the police and give her evidence in court.”

'We want every victim of rape to have the confidence that where there is sufficient evidence, the CPS will prosecute those who commit this heinous crime.”

Notes to editors

  • Helen Walsh is the Senior Crown Prosecutor for the East of England
  • Kye Lewis has been convicted and sentenced to seven years for rape with a four-year extension for dangerousness

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